Wallball Construction Eagle Scout Project
For my final project to attain Eagle Scout Rank in the Boy Scouts of America, I designed and led the construction of a “wallball” structure for playground games at an elementary school in East Palo Altos, California. With the help of a structural engineer, I designed the wall to minimize materials and costs while withstanding large loads from high winds in the area. Constructing the wall required drilling through asphalt to set several pillars in concrete, after which the main structure had to be framed, anchored to the ground, and covered with weather-sealed plywood. I also designed patterns to be painted on the wall and asphalt.
Coordinating a team of around 20 volunteers, I managed to break ground and complete the entire finished structure over the course of one weekend.
Since it’s construction, the school has expressed great appreciation for the project and has constructed another wallball court using my design.